Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is a component of several enzyme systems involved in protein synthesis, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, cell replication.


Vitamin B12 is also called cyanocobalamin.


Vitamin B12 is a component of several enzyme systems involved in protein synthesis, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, cell replication.


Synthesized by microorganisms from the intestinal tract. Bacterias require the trace element cobalt to synthesis vitamin B12. Much of the vitamin is stored in the liver.


No requirement has been established.


Not reported in adult horses. Potential anaemia.


Not described.

When problems may occur?

Synthesis in foals may be inadequate and require supplementation. Early-weaned foals should receive a supplement of 10 μg vitamin B12/kg dietary dry matter. Adult horses in training on high-grain rations may need dietary vitamin B12 supplementation because a decline in appetite shown by such horses may reflect a build-up of blood propionate. The propionate is produced in greater quantity when diets of this type are consumed, and its metabolism requires consumption of vitamin B12.