Vitamin B6

Pyridoxal, pyridoxamine and pyridoxine are collectively known as vitamin B6. These compounds are converted to the biologically active form of vitamin B6, which plays an important role in the synthesis and catabolism of amino acids, energy metabolism and also has the ability to regulate steroid hormone activity.


Healthy adult horses are able to synthesize b-complex vitamins in sufficient quantities via the bacteria in the large intestine (colon) if they are given enough forage.


No studies have been conducted to establish the requirements of the horse for niacin as healthy adult horses normally are able to cover their daily needs by microbiological activity of their hind gut bacteria when fed a balanced diet.


Moldy hay, rations low in crude fiber, sudden feed changes or oral application of medications with a bacteriostatic effect can in principle result in a deficiency of B-complex vitamins, as the horse is virtually unable to store them.

If low synthesis of the intestinal flora is to be feared with rations rich in concentrated feed and low in crude fiber (e.g., in high-performance horses), a supplementation of b-complex vitamins should be considered.


Due to the fact that healthy adult horses are able to synthesize the required amounts of several b-complex vitamins, an excecss is very unlikely and only may occur with a very low likelyhood after heavy abuse of b-complex vitamin enriched supplements.

When problems may occur?

Horses suffering from intestinal inflammation, malabsorption, diarrhea or overall loss of appetite can have a benefit when being supplemented with b-complex vitamins due to the lack of microbioal activity. Weak foals can be suported with b-complex vitamins to stimulate their appetite and provide them with essential vitamins as well.